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Learn how to simplify large-scale projects, reduce development costs, and accelerate time to market with SoC integration automation.

Streamline, derisk and speed up the SoC design process with Arteris

Developing SoCs, is a complex process and with each new technology introduction, the development process only increases exponentially. To help cope with the complexity of large-scale projects, engineers are turning to IP cores, which eliminates the need for redesigning basic functional modules time and time again.

However, with each additional IP core, new challenges arise, including the need to form tens of thousands of connections, set configuration registers, and correctly map these registers to internal memory buses. Plus, projects that rely on parallelism hit roadblocks and this negatively impacts the delivery schedule and, ultimately, the project cost.

In this white paper, learn how a new methodology using IP-XACT with integration automation software can reduce complexity and derisk designs.

  • Rapidly connect IPs together based on rules as opposed to manually defining each and every connection.
  • Eliminate time-consuming and error-prone manual scripting and enable quick and effective automation of the Hardware/Software Interface implementation.
  • Enables close collaboration between the relevant teams through a single source of truth methodology for consistently generated data (RTL, SW, DV, DOC).
  • Adapt to meet changing needs within a project, ensuring error-free connectivity and drastically reducing cycle time to completion. Deploy a proven correct-by-construction methodology, ensuring system quality. Provide a scalable infrastructure that promotes a rapid, highly iterative design environment.

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