In this 4-page paper, created with the participation of Mobileye, you will learn how the world's #1 vision-based ADAS company uses Arteris FlexNoC interconnect IP to address demanding high bandwidth and low-latency requirements.

By using FlexNoC interconnect IP for its EyeQ3 and EyeQ4 product lines, Mobileye was able to address the following issues:

  • Maintain low latency while connecting 10 or more heterogeneous video and image processing units
  • Easily connect IP cores using multiple incompatible protocols for communication
  • Enable end-to-end QoS to simultaneously optimize high throughput and low latency traffic
  • Address die size, power consumption, timing closure and verification issues as the SoC scales upward in complexity and number of IP blocks

This short paper is a valuable aid to understanding how NoC technology helped solve Mobileye's challenges, resulting in an even better product.

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