Magillem Registers is a scalable solution for managing registers in complex SoCs through Hardware-Software Interface (HSI) automation. It empowers SoC design teams to overcome complexity and satisfy the need for real-time, effective cross-functional team communication. With synchronized databases and consistency checks, it enhances productivity by reducing errors, in addition to its fast performance.


Accurate design ecosystem

Magillem Registers detects design function and semantic problems, preventing design mistakes during address map deployment. It also identifies IP integrity issues, ensuring the clean import of third-party IP or internal legacy data. This comprehensive analysis and validation process result in a self-consistent address map that generates valid RTL.

Unifying the team

RTL design, firmware development, verification and technical publications all rely on a correctly implemented HSI to ensure a robust product. These teams also rely on accurate, up to date HSI information in many specialized formats to facilitate effective collaboration. Magillem Registers generates a verified HSI and all the formats needed by these teams. This frees the design team to focus on innovation, knowing their design foundation is solid.

Improved productivity and quality

Magillem Registers provides a scalable infrastructure for a rapid, highly iterative design environment, empowering teams to maximize productivity and minimum risk. It is extremely fast and generates superior quality synthesizable RTL. Proven to compile over one million configuration and status registers in minutes, Magillem registers automates all views and formats for register design and the development of the hardware/software interface.

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