ISO 26262: FMEA before FMEDA

By Arteris Functional Safety Manager (FSM) Alexis Boutillier and VP of Marketing Kurt Shuler

Download this 36-slide presentation titled, "ISO 26262: FMEA before FMEDA," presented by Arteris Functional Safety Manager (FSM) Alexis Boutillier and VP of Marketing Kurt Shuler at the 11 June 2018 Automotive IQ Guidance of ISO 26262 to Semiconductors conference in Ann Arbor.


  • Develop, Plan, Analyze, Merge, Validate Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) creation flow
  • IP architecture best practice involving modularity and hierarchy to help manage configurability
  • Examples of element decomposition and fault model creation including mapping IP functions, failure modes, and safety mechanisms
  • Merging element analysis into a top-level FMEA and using that to drive Failure Mode Distribution, FMEDA, and fault injection.



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